Alright everyone, just in time for all your outdoor summer adventures, we got a big shipment of some pretty stellar knives that I am very excited to share with all of you! Especially because I can personally attest to just how great this knife really is.
The Morakniv Companion Heavy Duty is one of my favorite knives currently in my collection. To me, this knife is synonymous with fishing. It has a permanent place in my tackle box, and I couldn’t imagine heading out on a weekend fishing trip with out it. Every time I go fishing with my dad, we will be cleaning the fish we caught that day and he asks, and I quote “hey, can I borrow that awesome knife you have”? Every time, with out fail. Of course he is referring to my Morakniv Companion Heavy Duty. I know it sounds like some cheesy line, but it happens every time!
It’s one thing to read about a knife, so why not see it in action? Check out our Survival fishing video below, featuring the Morakniv Companion Heavy Duty. That way you can really get a feel for just how phenomenal and versatile this knife really is. (If the video does not show up, either refresh the page, or go to this link)
So what do you think? After reading about it, and seeing it in action, is this the knife for you? Perfect for any weekend fishing trip, or bug out! Let us know what you think. Or, let us know if you have used this knife, and what you think in the comments below.