Tribute to Framelock Friday

Today we’re taking a look at some stellar framelocks. I asked people here at Blade HQ what their favorite framelocks were, and of course, lots of people said the Sebenza without hesitation. The Sebenza is a pretty special blade, so here’s some background on it before I go into the other knives people chose:
Chris Reeve Sebenza


Chris Reeve developed the Integral Lock©—or framelock, as most people know it. Rather than using a liner inside the handle to lock the blade in place, the framelock uses a partial cutout of the actual frame of the knife. The intent behind the lock was obviously to increase the solidity of the liner lock. Chris Reeve describes the framelock as having the “bank vault” feel, and without a doubt, the lockup is impressive.
The Sebenza was the first folding knife to feature the Integral Lock©, and the whole knife really embodies everything you want to see in a folding knife. This is perhaps why so many Blade HQ employees immediately deemed the Sebenza their favorite framelock. You have to admit—Chris Reeve does it right.
The framelock has received a few modifications from different  knife makers and manufacturers. Here are just a few of them:
1) Hinderer Lock Bar Stabilizer—This is an over-travel stop, which means it keeps the lock bar from over traveling and either failing or wearing out too quickly.
2) RotoBlock— The RotoBlock uses a rotating button that locks into place, which basically transforms the knife into a fixed blade.


3) Sub-Frame Lock— This uses a piece of the handle that has been “knocked out” and inset with a stainless-steel plate.


There are a few more framelocks that we’re rather fond of—take a look and tell us what your favorite framelock is.
ZT 300/301 


Lion Steel SR1 (Bronze SR1 pictured on left, gray on right)
The SR1 uses a Monoblock frame.


Strider SMF 


Kershaw Leek (not all Leeks have a framelock, but many do)


Zero Tolerance 0560

zero-tolerance-hinderer-flipper-0560 (1)zero-tolerance-hinderer-flipper-0560-back

Your turn. What’s your framelock of choice?

Have a good weekend, and be sure to check back next Friday for more knife content!


One thought on “Tribute to Framelock Friday

  1. Two new frame lock knives that are worthy of at least an honorable mention here are the Spyderco Sage 2 & the ZT 0055 GTC.

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