Knife Knowledge Damsel in Distress: Help me! Help me! Andrew: Who’s that?! What’s wrong? Damsel: Over here, on the railroad tracks! A man mugged me and tied me to the rails! This is like something out of The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. Please set me free. Please! Andrew: Okay, ma’am! Wow…he really bound you tightly. Luckily, I […]
Tag: Chris Reeve Knives
Serration Philosophies: Why Knife Manufacturers Use Different Serration Patterns
It was pointed out to me recently that quite a few manufacturers use serration patterns that are unique to their companies. In all honesty, I hadn’t given serrations that much thought before then. We got to wondering what each serration pattern has to offer and why it was selected in the first place, so I […]
Tribute to Framelock Friday
Today we’re taking a look at some stellar framelocks. I asked people here at Blade HQ what their favorite framelocks were, and of course, lots of people said the Sebenza without hesitation. The Sebenza is a pretty special blade, so here’s some background on it before I go into the other knives people chose: Chris Reeve […]
BHQ Spotlight: Product Manager
There’s another person at Blade HQ that you need to meet; his name is Jacob, and he’s kind of a big deal around here. Jacob is the product manager, and he brings you sweet new products and works hard to keep knives in stock. You might recognize his name if you follow Blade HQ on […]
You Know You’re a Knife Enthusiast If…
Soooo… here’s a little background for this post. I can’t remember if I’ve said this before, but I’m a runner. I did cross country, track, and off-season training all year, every year through high school, and I still run now. Because of this, I love the “you know you’re a runner if…” posts that float […]
Blade Show 2013: Awards & a Few Knives
Blade Show came and went, and from what I’ve heard, it was a pretty awesome weekend! Several Blade HQ team members got to go check it out, and we’ve got some updates from Atlanta to share with you. Stay tuned for more Blade Show updates on the blog and on YouTube in the coming days […]
Sebenza Spotting
It’s been a while since we’ve done a post about knives in the movies on The Knife Blog, so I figured it was about time to do another one. While I was looking around online, trying to figure out which movie to focus on, I found out that Spyderco and Benchmade knives are fairly common […]