What comes to mind when you think of the mighty machete? Militia wielding, jungle busting, coconut cracking, sugarcane chopping… When durability, versatility, and power are important, machetes offer a balance that can’t be matched by any other tool. Are you thinking about buying a new fixed blade machete? We’ve got all the best knife options available right here. Look no further than Blade HQ!
Machete Usage
Jason from Friday the 13th may be known as the most famous machete-wielding villain in history, but how will us normal civilians put one to work?
Okay—I’ll set the stage for you. You’re eight miles into a 17-mile hike in a dense subtropical forest. After picking through the ziplock of trail mix you put together, all that’s left is a few sad raisins (why does trail mix need to have raisins anyway? I would prefer those peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets or maybe an X-factor nut like the oh-so-delicious macadamia). Your ultralight hydration bladder is getting a little low. Good thing you decided to wear those nice Danner hiking boots, but why are they so gosh darn heavy? Everything is going fine until that single track turns into a puzzle of razor thorns, tall grass, and tangled vines. What tool is gonna get you out of this sticky wicket? In my humble opinion, there’s no better knife for this job than the survival machete.
When your very life depends on the blade you’ve brought along, are you sure that a four-inch blade is really enough? The average machete runs approximately 13-18 inches long. Lengthy blades excel in tasks such as chopping or hacking at vegetation. Farmers have utilized these knives to efficiently harvest crops for centuries. From cutting notches, carving wood, gathering tinder, and more, machetes are an excellent choice for bushcraft and survival training.
Machete Recommendation
So what’s the best machete for sale? If you’re asking me, I would look to the brand Condor. They make a whole host of different options—each one rooted in functionality, sturdiness, and history. Condor Tool and Knife designer Joe Flowers has collected more than a hundred machetes, and with that, his passion speaks for itself.
What’s wrong with going down to the local military surplus and grabbing a machete out of that old stoneware pickle crock in the corner? Unfortunately, these machetes are made from poor quality mystery steel. I can tell you from personal experience you’ll likely snap one of those cheapos in half your first time out in the bush. Dangerous and frustrating!
There’s no better tool than a machete for cutting through vines and jungle. That said, a hatchet may be preferred in the coniferous and broadleaf forests of parts of America where you’ll encounter way more hardwood. That doesn’t mean you should ditch the machete. A well-rounded adventure kit likely features a machete, hatchet or axe, small fixed blade, and EDC folder (among many other non-edged items).
Coming from the world of small manual folding knives, the necessity of machetes may seem questionable. Give one a chance, and I’m sure you’ll understand the utility. My first time using a machete resulted in boundless boyish laughter as I hacked through a jungle that could have been the home to Mowgli.
What’s your favorite machete? Should we do a torture test on any of these knives? Let us know in the comments below! Check out our Spyderco Salt blog. Make sure to pick up that new blade from your favorite knife retailer, Blade HQ!
If you already have the machete of your dreams, check out our Machete Sharpening Guide to keep it ship shape.